Whilst the festive season brings families and friends together and for many this is joyous time, it is also a time that can be challenging, bringing feelings of heightened stress and feeling overwhelmed. For many it can also be a time of grief and loneliness. And sadly for some, it can be a time of conflict.
Talking about your feelings can improve your mood and make it easier to cope when things feel too much. Whilst many services might not be available face-to-face during this time, there are services that are available to have a chat and provide support.
Whilst many people are aware of 24/7 crisis lines, we do want our community to know that you do not necessarily have to be in crisis, to reach out for support.
Sometimes people just need to have a chat with someone and share their feelings or talk
through something that might be happening for them at that time or that might be triggering for them.
These helplines can be found on www.denimentalhealth.org.au/helplines.
Griefline offers free, compassionate and confidential support every day of the year. They can be reached 8am - 8pm on 1300 854 745.
Friendline is another free and confidential service and can be reached on 1800 424 287. Aimed at providing support to people who are lonely or who just want to connect with someone to talk to, this service operates between the hours of 10 am and 8pm daily.
Loneliness is experienced by many people every day, but during holiday periods and Christmas this feeling can become stronger when we do not have the support of family around us . Listening Ear is a free non-crisis line, offering a similar service. Support is provided to combat loneliness and providing a safe place to share feelings and concerns. This service can be reached on 02 9477 6777 from 9am – 9pm daily. https://listeningear.org.au/
We also acknowledge that some people might not be feeling safe for several reasons or needing immediate support during this time and remind people there is a number of 24/7 helplines people can reach out to including 1800 Respect, Lifeline, Kids Helpline, 13YARN and more. denimentalhealth.org.au/holidays
Anyone experiencing a mental health crisis or high distress can call Accessline on 1800 800 944 or present to the Deniliquin Health Service Emergency Department 24/7. If a life is in Danger call 000.
