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Deni MHAG has launched a new campaign #sharetheload .

The message is simple and easy to understand being " having a chat with someone is an easy way to share the load".

Unhealthy stress isn't usally from one big thing. The niggling pressures from a lot of small things can make everyday life harder than it needs to be and increase your risk of other serious health problems.

Some people get relief from talking to a friend or family member, but many people often feel like they do not want to burden someone else close to them with their problems; or do not want other people to know about some stuff that might be going on in their life.

Whilst people are encouraged to speak to their doctor as a first port of call; who may then provide counselling options if needed; we recognise there are barriers to this as well. Some people will reach out to seek counselling, but some people do not feel comfortable doing this or feel they lack the time or finances to do so.

There is also a perception that helplines are only to be used in a crisis, but this is no longer the case. You do not need to be in crisis to access phone counselling. Many of the helplines can talk through day to day stressors and some even provide ongoing follow up sessions or check ins.

Some helplines also use chat texts if people would prefer to chat online using text or email.

These helplines are free, confidential and available Anywhere, Anytime.

Go to this link to see the helplines


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