resources & Downloads
Feel free to print and share these resources in your workplaces, schools and communities. If you have any questions about materials, please contact us.
Anywhere, anytime.
Online services Campaign
This digital and poster campaign raises awareness of the online services available to support your mental health.
Click the images below to download the posters

Beyond Blue


Butterfly Foundation

Alcohol Drug Information Service


Kids Helpline

Mens Line Australia



This digital and poster campaign raises awareness of the confidential and free helplines available.
Click the images below to download the posters

local services campaign
This campaign helps our community know where and how to access support for mental health.
Murrumbidgee LHAC Network
With thanks to MPHN Community Grants and NSW Health, campaign materials have been created for the entire Murrumbidgee Local Health District. Each LHAC is welcome to download and distribute the posters throughout their communities:

Five ways to wellbeing
Five simple and effective ways to improve your psychological and emotional health.​
Learn more about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing

We can change how we feel by choosing to focus on the things we can control.
Digital resource guide
The eMHPrac Guide to Digital Mental Health Resources provides a useful overview of various Australian online programs, apps, crisis helplines and information sites. All listed programs have been developed by credible sources, such as the Australian Government, universities, and national non-government organisations. The majority are free or low-cost.
LHAC CHAT Mental Health Resources
The LHAC Chat pages contain information on a range of Mental Health resources.
The pages focus on the areas of:
Community Mental Health Drug and Alcohol services
Local help for Mental Health
Recover Focused services
Online Mental Health Resources
Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing
The pages can be printed at A3.
Men's Health CAMPAIGN
This campaign is targeted at improving men's health awareness.
We partnered with Deniliquin LHAC to develop and deliver the campaign.
Campaign materials consist of posters with targeted health messages that can be printed and put up in community and workplaces.
Supporting Murrumbidgee Communities Impacted by Suicide
To read the guide online, please go to:
For a hardcopy of this guide, please contact:
Murrumbidgee Local Response Group
P: 0436 608 203
First Nations Mental Health and Wellbeing Services and Supports
Download a list of free mental health and wellbeing services and supports for First Nations peoples, published by the Federal Government in 2023.
Learn more at