World Suicide Prevention Day 10th September
“Our community has been and continue to be impacted by suicide. As members of Deni MHAG, we would like to acknowledge the people whose lives have been lost to suicide, to those who have considered ending their own life and to those bereaved by suicide,” Alison Thorne, chair of Deni MHAG says.
“Mental health, mental illness and suicide really is everyone’s business. Increasing knowledge, upskilling community to help those around them and making sure people know where and how to seek help is important. The work in this space, never stops and there is always more to do.”
“Raising awareness about mental health and suicide is not just making people aware that it is a problem, but effectively and actively implementing strategies to identify people at risk, and to increase help-seeking behaviours. This involves action by all of community, as we all have a role to play”.
Circumstances relating to suicide are complex and multifaceted and a combination of multiple factors contribute to a person taking their own life rather than a single reason. These include factors such as recent or past adverse life events, loss of significant others, family discord and lack of social supports.
Another significant risk factor is stigma, as well as the lack of help-seeking behaviours or knowing where to seek help. Increasing suicide prevention literacy in communities is an important cog in the bigger wheel of tackling suicide as a national health problem
“We can all be mental health allies and help reduce the stigma, by sharing information and encouraging help-seeking”, Lourene Liebenberg from Deni MHAG says.
Deni MHAG website signposts the way to help. They have a wide range of posters that can be printed from their website. They encourage businesses, organisations and sporting clubs to print and display these in their shopfronts, behind toilet doors, staff tea rooms; ensuring people know where and how to seek help, anywhere, anytime. These can be found at.
Deni MHAG also have a range of printed resources and magnets, and anyone wanting to access these for an event, or to display in their venues, are welcome to email
Thinking and reading about suicide can be distressing. If you need help, or anyone else you know, please access the support you need.
If in distress, please call any of these 24/7 helplines such as Accessline 1800 800 944, Lifeline 13 11 14 or visit